Saturday, March 21, 2009

Blog Log #11 chap. 15

"All I keep thinking is I can't wait to tell Aisha." - pg. 136
When I read this quote, it made me realize how far Nadira has come thoughout the story. I remeber in the first chapter, Aisha made fun of Nadira (whether Aisha knew it or not), and Nadira felt useless. But now, Nadira is brave and loyal to her family. She realized that what she was going to do with Tareq was totally wrong, so instead she handeled it herself in an honest and legal way. I wonder whether Aisha will feel pround of her younger sister, or betrayed or mad because Nadira didn't include her in helping their father. I think that Nadira was sort of smart not to include Aisha in this, since she seems to be falling apart, plus she would totally explode at Nadira for even considering going to Tareq. But I think that the truth is that if Nadira hadn't taken the money and gone with Tareq, then she wouldn't have thought about going to Ma and Abba by herself. So here is my question to you: do you think Nadira would have gone to Ma and Abba by herself if she hadn't gone with Tareq in the first place?


  1. I think that her running out of house was what got Nadira on her way to Abba and Ma. It would have taken a lot longer for her to get the courage to go alone. I also think that if she had told anyone where she was going aloe, I think they would try to stop her. I just kept saying "Go Nadira!" through out the chapter. I think Aisha will feel a mixture of emotions. I think her parents are going to start paying more attention to Nadira and they are going to be mad at Aisha for not going to her interview. Goof (b)log Nickie.

  2. I agree with you Claire. I think that she realized that she wanted to help Abba herself after realizing what she was getting into with Tareq. Nickie, I think the point about Aisha possibly feeling left out might come up later in the book. It seems like Aisha really wanted to do something, she just didn't have the control. I'm glad Nadira went alone though, because now she can have a little time alone in the spotlight.

  3. Yeah I think you are right Claire, that if Nadira told anyone where she was going they would have stopped her especially since they really don't like Tareq. And if Nadira told them she was going to see Ma, then maybe Aisha would stop her or want to go with her.

  4. Nice blog Nickie!
    In answer to your question: I think that Aisha is going to be proud AND probably a little jealous. Her kid-sister caught something that Aisha could not. She's been falling apart, and she probably feels that she can't get herself together. Let's hope she's not TOO jealous.

  5. well, maybe. but my first instinct is to say no, she wouldn't have gone.
    Hell, I think Nadira deserves the right to shove it in her sister's face. For once. :-P

  6. I agree, Julia. She kinda deserves it, but my next question would be, would she do it? She seems like she wouldn't "shove it in her sister's face" after she's been going through such a tough time. What do you guys think?

  7. I think that if Nadira wasn't planning on going to see Tareq, then she wouldn't have caught the name issue, because she wouldn't have looked into it when she was with Ali-Uncle. I also think that Nadira wouldn't have gone to see her parents if she didn't get budged forward by running away from Tareq and his crew. This is because, she would probably feel guilty about leaving, so she would tell someone, and of course, they would stop her.

    It's definitely good that Nadira has her time in the spotlight now. And as Claire said, I think Abba and Ma are gonna FINALLY pay attention to their second daughter.

  8. I don't think that shoving Nadira's accomplishment in Aisha's face would help what's going on in their lives. I think Nadira realizes that boasting and bragging that she is better than her sister isn't going to help. Even though we think Aisha deserves it, I don't think it's worth hit to any of the family. At most her parents will notice her more.

  9. Nice blog Nickie! To answer you question I don't think that the story would have been the same if Nadira didn't go with Tareq in the first place. I agree with Alissa, she said "I think that Aisha is going to be proud AND probably a little jealous". I think she would be proud of her sister but jealous because she didn't really help.

  10. Great blog, Nickie! I agree with Claire and I kept going, "Go Nadira!", too. I was very nervous for her, but proud she did that. I'm not sure if I think that she would have gone anyways, but I was glad she did. I think she would have made it there eventually, but not as quickly as it took her.

  11. Great blog, same sentence as me! You seem to of had a different interpretation than me. I like your ideas and I agree with Claire on how Nadira boasting to Aisha won't help.

  12. I agree with Claire. I think Nadira has been on the receiving end of boasting and bragging enough that she wouldn't do anything like that to her sister. Treat others as you would treat yourself.

  13. I agree with Claire, Robin, and Lighthall. Sorry for the JT reference, but what goes around comes around.

  14. I doubt that Nadira will boast about how great of a job she did getting her father out of detainment. Yeah, Aisha probably deserves it after all the boasting and bragging that she did, but Nadira knows it wont help with anything. Nadira will probably (hopefully) want to get her sister's life back on track, and being an annoying little sister won't help with that.

  15. Same I agree with Maya. I think that "competition" with her sister won't be any use now. Especially since they need to get their plan together. Not to mention Aisha. She really needs some serious help. And help that comes from her sister will probably feel a little more comforting. Or who knows, maybe Aisha will feel that it's not Nadira's business to help out. But I think that things will get better between them.

  16. I` think Aisha might be a little proud of Nadira, but she might feel mad or sad that she couldn't figure it out and broke down instead. Maybe now that Nadira has almost fixed their situation, Aisha might build herself back up again. I also agree with Maya that Nadira wouldn't have caught the mistake if she hadn't gone to get the money from Ali-Uncle and she wouldn't have had the paper work to prove her point. Good point Maya, but she did say she couldn't wait to tell Aisha, so she might just mention it briefly, but not brag. I agree with other people that Nadira might get a little more attention now, which I think is good for her. I agree with Dennyce that things will get better between them if Abba doesn't get deported...

  17. Yeah good idea. It could be possible that Aisha will build herself up later on because of Nadira's accomplishments. It could give her that energy boost she needs just thinking they could help her dad.

  18. Great log Nickie! I agree with you. I thought that Aisha would brighten up after she knew that Nadira saved her father, well no save, but yeah. And I also thought that Aisha would also get a little upset because Naidra didn't include her in her plans. To answer your question: No. I don't think that Nadira would've gone to Abba and Ma. If she wouldn't have gona with Tareq, then she wouldn't have had the courage to go to Ma and Abba. Well, that's just what I think.

  19. Yeah I agree with you Alicia, I also wouldn't think Nadira would have the courage to go see her parents after that mishap with Tareq.

  20. Dennyce, your first comment was really interesting. Maybe Aisha will put her life or pieces back together knowing that her father is out of jail and the accomplishment her sister made.

  21. Thanks. I really hope it goes that way though. It would suck if Aisha's life continued that way. But I highly doubt it!

  22. Really good blog Nickie, also interesting discussion I haven't read the chapter yet so I don't have much to say. But yaa! :)

  23. The Justin Timberlake comment is actually very relevant to what I was thinking. "what goes around, comes around", sort of. I think that Nadira will be smart enough and strong enough to not brag about her awesome accomplishments to Aisha. At least I hope she will make the right chioce.

  24. I agree Claire, I hope she makes the right choice so nothing gets thrown back in her face. I also agree with Becca and Dennyce, I hope that Aisha will put her life back together, which would fit with the flow of all the good things that are happening their lives, with Nadira saving Abba.

  25. I was kindof half-kidding when I said she was gonna go brag. But in a normal situation.. (oh hell, what is "normal" anymore?) I could see it happening. It's sad to see Aisha at such a low point, and yeah, we are all hoping she will regain her flimsy confidence, but I don't know. It will be interesting to see.

  26. I really hope Aisha is proud of her sister instead of feeling all jealous. I don't this Aisha deserves anything like that. I don't think she was ever trying to really hurt Nadira's feeling I think she was just being a older sister.

  27. Yeah I agree with you Julia, it will be interesting to see. I agree we can't really tell whats normal anymore after seeing what Nadira's family has been through. Different things are "normal" for different people.

  28. Hey this is Falcon speaking. I love your question. "But I think that the truth is that if Nadira hadn't taken the money and gone with Tareq, then she wouldn't have thought about going to Ma and Abba by herself." Awesome brain power dude.

  29. Thanks Falcon! How do YOU think it would have turned out if she hadn't taken the money and run from Tareq?

  30. My first reaction: If she had not went with Tareq, she probably would have gone to the hearing with Aisha or not at all, because she'd get in big trouble running away... After thinking it through, I am not sure what would happen-this is a tricky question. Maybe she'd go by herself anyway because Aisha didn't know her brilliant plan. Aisha probably would have messed it up. I think it was important part in the story that she went with Tareq, and backed down. You made an excellent point and observation!

  31. Yeah, it is a tricky question. I agree, I think if Aisha had gone she would have messed it up, because whenever one of her plans fail or she loses a debate, she seems to always lose all her confidence, and give up, like a big sore loser. You made me think a lot more about my own question, awesome thanks!

  32. I agree with Falcon that if Aisha went, she would've messed it up. It's kind of what Nickie said that whenever something she thought would work goes wrong, she loses her confidence. I agree with Falcon that the part where she goes to Tareq is an important part in the book. I think it shows that Nadira's getting stronger and that she can think for herself.

  33. Great Point Nickie! I think Aisha will be PRETTY PISSED at Nadira for taking all of her "good girl" mojo. Nadira was very smart not to take her sister along, she would not have found all of this courage, and stood up for her father. It would have been Aisha trying, and she would have made things worse...Even if Nadira hadn't gone to Tareq, I think she would have gone to help anyways. She knew ether way that her father needed help.
