Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog Log #4

"'Becuase she will always fight. Fight, fight, fight, even when it's time to run.'"

I thought that this quote showed the type of girl Nadira wishes she could be. Nadira says she wishes she could lift out of herself and do something that really counts. I think that if Nadira could lift out of herself and settle into another person, she would stay in Taslima (the person who is being described in this quote). Nadira's mother says that Nadira is "sweet and patient", but then Nadira says that thats not all she is. In my annotations, I asked: what else is Nadira? When I read this quote, it sparked an idea in my head and I asked a new question: is there someone else in this book who fits the type of person Nadira wishes she could be? Personally, I think that person is Taslima. From what this quote tells me about her, she is a strong and independent person who does what she wants, and would never be dragged around by an older sister... which is exactly how I think nadira feels. 


  1. Wow Nickie! Deep stuff! It's interesting to see what the characters think of themselves and what others think of them. Sometimes they can be very different.

    I think it's interesting that you think Nadira want's to be Taslima, personally, I think she want's to be Aisha.

  2. You're right Alissa. I don't really agree with Nickie that Nadira wants to be Taslima. Even though Taslima is a very independent woman, Nadira see's how she fights with her parents, and only does what she wants, so she is a little bit selfish. From what I see in the text, Nadira wants to be a better version of Aisha.
    Nickie, what makes you think that there could be another person that acts like Nadira wants to become?

  3. Yeah I agree with Alissa saying that Nadira want's to be like Aisha. Maybe she want's to be like both!
    It could be that Nadira want's to be strong like Taslima and smart like Aisha, a combination of two I guess. But it's interesting to see your opinions. Great Job Nickie!

  4. Yeah, serious wow! This is a very strong opinion and you base it very well. I don't exactly agree with the part about Taslima, though. I think what Nadira is trying to be is simply different from who everyone thinks she is. What you said about her trying to be Taslima isn't exactly how I'd put it; I'd say she was trying to be more like Taslima and less like herself. Again, I disagree with Alissa (sorry, Alissa). I think she is becoming more like Aisha, but unintentionally and I don't think she wants to be her. I think the most important thing for Nadira to do right now is find a healthy balance between her, Aisha, and Taslima and try to become that combo.

  5. I don't agree with any of you. I think that Nadira wants to be a combination of Taslima and Aisha. Taslima doesn't have an older sister, right? So how would you know if she would be dragged around, you would never really know. Very definite opinions, Nickie. Interesting opinions.

  6. I think the only person I agree with so far is Dennyce. I think that (as Dennyce said) she wants to be smart like Aisha and strong like Taslima.

    Sarah, why do you think Nadira is becoming more like Aisha? I don't really see that connection.

    Also, Claire, it seems you agree with Dennyce and I...

  7. I agree with Sarah R., about how Nadira should be a combo of herself, Taslima, and Aisha. Good points Nickie, I enjoy seeing your thoughts and opinions.

  8. My thinking is geared more towards Dennyce's. I think that Nadira wants to be strong like Taslima, smart like Aisha, and be like herself. Sometimes it may seem like she doesn't want to be herself because she talks about how she's fat and the likes, but I still think that overall, she wouldn't mind still being herself.

    I have the same question as Sara, Sarah. Why do you think that Nadira is becoming more like Aisha? I don't really see how she is...

  9. Robin, do you think Nadira SHOULD be a combo of the three, or she WANTS to be a combo of the three? (Sorry, I must have missed your comment the first time I went through)

  10. I just noticed that mine sort of reflects Dennyce(I did read them!) I still think that she want to be liked like Aisha and strong like Taslima.

  11. This is a really good blog Nickie. I agree with Dennyce and Alissa, I think that Nadira wants to be most like Aisha. I think she wants to be most like Aisha because she has said how Aisha can concentrate when she has homework and how she can not. I also agree with what Claire and Sara said, how Nadira wants to be strong like Taslima. Nice job! :)

  12. wow, clashing opinions, for once. I actually don't agree with any of you. *surprise, surprise* I don't think that she wants to be either of them. I think she admires some qualities in both girls, but doesn't admire them enough to want to be them. I think she needs to find out who she is herself, and if that's a mix of them, cool, if not, then whatever, but it's whoever she chooses. I just hope we get to know her more soon.

  13. I agree with Dennyce that that Nadira wants to be a little like Taslima and a little like Aisha. And maybe a little like herself. Maybe some aspects of both of them. Sarah makes a good point about how she's becoming like Aisha, but she doesn't want to be like her, I kinda agree. Claire, Dennyce said that maybe she wants to be like both. I also kinda agree with Julia that she might be a little like all of them, but she just needs to find herself.

  14. Wow, interesting blog Nickie! Great job explaining what you think. Well done going so deep into the quote.

  15. Maybe Nadria wants to be like Tareq!!

  16. maybe she wants to be tough in her way.

  17. oh yeah! i never thoght of it that way, Dennyce. I guess, she could want to be like all these people without even realizing it...
