Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blog Log #5

"Generation after generation, the water and the land melt and blur; people move across borders that make no sense."

I thought the quote was really interesting becuase the part about the land and water melting and blurring made this mental picture in my head of a landscape melting and mixing with an ocean and covering the world. It was like the world was being liquefied, or being stirred around in one of those chocolate mixers at the chocolate factory. Then the part in the sentence about the people moving across borders that make no sense made me think of the movie The Labyrinth. In the movie, the main character tries to get to the center of a huge labyrinth, but the walls are camoufaged and can change, which makes it super hard to find the center. This reminded me of that movie because I pictured people trying to find a place where they would belong and could settle down, every time they find somewhere, everything changes and mixes again and they have to keep searching.

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